... by Pastor Hannah Wilmhurst

Let me tell you a little bit about The Flood Movement. The Flood movement was birthed by a vision of a stadium filled with people praising Jesus. There comes a time when you have to pick that vision up and take a leap of faith and see if God is on the other side of the door! Well so far, he has been. 

One of the FLOOD street teams

One of the Street teams . . .

The Flood Movement became a ministry that we realized was not just about filling a stadium and seeing souls saved, but there was a much deeper journey that God was taking us on. We have over 15 churches on board The Flood waka and we are so excited for what God is doing in our region.

In 2022 a prayer group was launched for The Flood. Every Wednesday we gather at Kirsten and Dave’s barn in Nelson. This has become a night of prayer and worship for our region, and we have seen people healed in this barn and set free!! God was showing us a taster of what was to come. We love to share kai & fellowship with one another, and then get down to business with God for our region.

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The Flood Street Ministry . . .

Around the same time ‘The Flood Street Ministry’ is starting to take place.
We go out at 4pm and 5.30pm on a Thursday in Nelson, and we go where the Holy Spirit leads us to share the Gospel, pray for the sick, speak encouragement and provide for what is needed.

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Living Food Boxes - another part of The Flood ministry

We have been in a season of taking food boxes out into the community and being and sharing the Gospel. We have testimony after testimony of incredible God encounters happening on the streets. You would be surprised where God takes you. But what we noticed is that people are hungry for the gospel and the power of the gospel. It's an exciting time to be a Christian, and living in Nelson.

Last year The Flood hosted a Regional Prayer and Worship night where all denominations came together to worship and pray to one God - Jesus Christ. We had over 170 people and it was a powerful night. This year we are re-launching Flood Nights on June the 10th and we can’t wait to gather together again.

And last but not least we will be filling Trafalgar indoor stadium on March the 24th, 25th and 26th 2023 to worship God and see Souls saved and hearts healed.

God is moving powerfully in New Zealand.

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 Pastor Hannah Wilmhurst & family.

facebook The Flood  www.facebook.com/thefloodmovement/

Instagram The Flood  https://www.instagram.com/thefloodnz/

The Flood Home Website: www.thefloodmovement.com