Te Awamutu Week of Blessing
. . . by Bob Sinclair. Te Awamutu
Every year for the last 10 years the Combined Christian Churches of Te Awamutu have held the Day of Blessing. It was pretty much a big event where we would call the community together. Police, Fire and ambulance, volunteers, Family/whanau, Schools, Businesses, Media/Arts, Church, Government.
It was roughly based on the 7 mountains or spheres of influence in society. (If you haven’t seen that concept search Loren Cunningham and Bill Bright, 7 mountains). 7 ministers and pastors from Te Awamutu would pray and declare a blessing for each sector. This occurred each year for the last 10 years. The whole community got in behind it.
This year Covid gave us a new opportunity. ‘We can’t gather in one place, so we will GO!’ The new committee decided we needed to be careful because of covid, so we didn’t go home to home etc. But we did go business to business.
We try and ensure Prayer undergirds all we do so each day the Combined Churches focused their prayer on a different specific area for the day. Education, i.e., schools, government, arts media sport, family whanau, praying for other churches on the Sunday, when churches spend time praying for other churches.
On the ‘Business Day’ we went into the main street and delivered a flyer outlining what we were praying for them and what we were praying for.
The response was amazing. Gratitude would sum it up. Small business owners were grateful that the church was standing with them in these tough times.
For many years we have held early morning prayer meetings. A number of us have gathered for an hour of worship and prayer, Monday to Friday. Our mandate has been to protect what we call ‘Our areas of Responsibility’, Te Awamutu and District. From time to time we would ask the Lord for more pray-ers, not realising that Covid would be used to do just that.
When the first lockdown hit we went on Zoom, as many did. The interesting thing was that others joined in - some short term, some longer term. Even two from Avondale who have stayed with us for the last 6 months or so. (we include Avondale now in our area of spiritual responsibility.)
So, what’s the plan for the future? Of course only the Lord knows, we’re just having fun fitting in with Him, day by day.
God bless,
Bob Sinclair